Independence Day celebration of Warshi Pariwar

Preparation of National flag hosting.

15th August 1947 our country gets independence from the British rule. After nearly 200 years of suffering, we finally get the most desired independence. Now, this is 2018. Our 72nd Independence Day.

The members of Warshi Pariwar also celebrated the day together. All the members reached the trust premises between 9 a.m. in the morning. The members decorated the place with replica flags. The members arranged flowers and other necessary things to celebrate the incident properly. Everyone worked as a pariwar to make the day a grand success.

At 11:30 a.m. the members of the trust show respect towards the freedom fighters and the Nation India by hosting the national flag. after that, the members show respect towards the trust by hosting Warshi Pariwar Flag.

during flag hosting ceremony

After that, the members spend the whole day together at the club premises. members cook food for each other and discuss some important topics which are included in the weekly convention of Warshi Pariwar trust.