“Donate BLOOD for a reason Let the reason be LIFE”

                                             “Donate BLOOD for a reason

                                                   Let the reason be LIFE

Last Sunday (10/03/2019) A Blood donation camp was organized our “Warshi Pariwar” with the help of ASSOCIATION OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD DONORS, WEST BENGAL. All the preparations such as arrangement of beds, sanitation etc. were made. In this camp overwhelming number of Warshi Volunteers has participated with Vivacity. There were also very prominent people of the city who were there to donate blood. After blood donate fruits and milk was given to all donors. The Blood Donation Camp continued till 15:00 Hrs. One of the doctors also addressed the audience saying that the blood donation does not weaken the the donators. The recovery takes place very soon. He talked about facts/ myths/ Blood Groups related information. Also, he told the audience that the donated blood would be used for saving the lives of the injured and the sick. Certificates handed over the to the blood donators. We all decided to donate blood in future also.

             HELP SAVE A LIFE +